"Vibrate good energy into others souls; making them never forget the beauty of yours"
-Richard Matthews
Food for thought...
Today as I flicked through the pages of a magazine, I realised that beauty, especially in todays society is so often and easily misunderstood. Day in and day out we are showered in media suggesting ways we too can achieve such beauty... "How to get longer, thicker hair", "Get flawless skin now" and "Ten simple ways to get your bikini body ready for summer" are a few of the titles that saturate the pages. The preconceived idea that you have to be size 6, flawless skin with thick luscious hair is the cause of so much confusion and ignorance... So much emphasis is placed on physical appearance and so little is placed on the beauty of being kind, the beauty of individuality and the beauty of happiness. So the truth?... To be beautiful all you have to do is be you.