Hola Bellas!
Still sitting here busy studying. Only one more exam and then uni is out for the summer and I will be able to take some fresh photo's and hopefully update my blog more regularly for you. Ahhh I can't wait. I am finally on the home stretch to freedom :D
So as I sat here thinking about almost everything other than studying, I figured what better way for you all to get to know me than for me to share some facts about myself. I recently saw Krista had a interview type blog on her page that she was asked to do and I thought I would tell you a little about myself accompanied with photos. (Oh and please forgive the quality of the photo's in these ones as they are taken off an old cracked iPhone haha. Definitely no Canon SLR that's for sure).
Ok... here we go.
Fact One:
When I was 5 years old I began gymnastics. Loving the fact that I got to roll around on the floor, swing from bars and trying to walk down the beam (basically unleashing my inner monkey).
Little did I know, as a five year old, that two years later I would be asked to join the Western Australian Institute of Sport, WAIS. So at 7 years old I was a tiny fish in a big, big, big pond. All of a sudden I was surrounded by athletes as oppose to my five year old buddies in kindie gym. And then it began. A 9 year stint at WAIS where I trained 38 hours a week (two trainings a day, 6 days a week). I competed at Nationals, National Clubs and Reach for the Stars almost every year from the age of 9.
By 10 years old, I won All-Around Australian National Champion for my age and to this day that would have to be up there with one of my biggest achievements. It was told that in 2006 I would be competing in Commonwealth games and by 2008 the Olympics in Beijing.
Unfortunately, just before commonwealth games tryouts I was badly injured with my wrist which ended my career. And therefore, at age 15 I gained a social life again haha!
Forgive me that was a long one... haha! They won't all be that long I promise.
Fact Two:
The beach is a huge source of my happiness. I have always lived close to the beach and always plan to. I love the coast. No matter what, the ocean always keeps me sane. It is rare that a day goes by in Summer that I haven't at least visited the beach. But! ALWAYS remember slip, slop slap!
Oh and this is Seth. One of my two favourite boys in this world.
Fact Three:
This one isn't really a fact that you will be surprised at, more so a given, but i feel that it deserves a mention as they are of huge importance to me. My friends and family. They mean everything to me. They make my life amazing and without them I would be lost. I am so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing, caring, loyal, generous, trusting and loving people.
This is me and my gorgeous family in Honolulu, Hawaii.
This photo only shows a few of my amazing friends; but each and everyone of my friends hold a very special place in my heart. I believe friendship isn't about who you have known the longest but who has come into your life and never left your side. For example,
Krista. I have only known her for 5 months now and already she feels like one of my best friends :) She is a friend worth having!
Fact Four:
I am obsessed with green tea. It is also amazing for you! I order you to go and pour yourself a cup now :) Oh and did you know that it is also a natural source of caffeine?! There is something to remember next time you go to have a coffee!
Fact Five:
Well this one is actually about the boy who has my heart, my boyfriend Phil. He is apart of my family, my best friend and I am so lucky to have met someone so genuine. BUT the exciting and not so soppy part of this fact, is that he is the lead singer and guitarist of their band 'Crooked Colours' and have recently just been put on rotation here in Australia on the radio station Triple J.
Check them out on iTunes or Youtube when you have a chance!
Fact Six:
I love to draw, paint, create, mould, cut, basically anything art related. Hmm... and my degree has nothing to do with art whatsoever haha. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in HR, Marketing and Management.
This skeleton I painted on a wardrobe for our Halloween party just recently.
Fact Seven:
My room is my haven. I love everything hippie and I think my room accurately displays my taste. I love bright colours and as I said previously, the beach, so my room is exactly that.
Fact Eight:
I currently own a Volkswagen Beetle and it is my pride and joy! Look how cute he is!! If you have any good name ideas, please let me know!
Fact Nine:
I love travelling! I haven't been everywhere yet... but it's on my list!!
Travel whenever you have the chance. Seeing the world will change your perspective and allow you to realise what actually is important in life. The Best things in life, aren't things!
Fact Ten:
You are probably half asleep if you have gotten this far so I best stop here! Anyway I hope you have enjoyed a small insight into my life and hopefully I haven't bored you too much!
Fact Eleven:
I need to study! (This is me (below) sitting here procrastinating.... haha).
...and Hey! I would love it if you commented a fact about yourself. I would love to get to know you all too! You can tell me any fact from "Shannae that was boring thanks for wasting 10 minutes of my life" haha to "I love unicorns". Go wild!
Oh also feel free to ask me any questions :)
P.S, I also figured out how to add an Instagram button on here! Feel free to follow me there too as I update that almost everyday :)
Fact Twelve: I love you all and I really appreciate you following!
Love S.J.B x